What is "SAMURAI6"?

SAMURAI6 is a project of improving the science and math education efficiency in Philippines. It was presented by JICA-JOCV.

JICA; Japan International Cooperation Agency
JOCV; Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers

Monday, March 21, 2011

Bais SAMURAI Day 3 !!

This is TETSUHIRO TAKIMOTO will report about Day 3. 

That day's theme was 'NEW CHALLENGE!!'
We had a big anxiety but that was so significant program day for Philipino teacher's empowerment.

The time is come!!!
We will plunge into the new world!!! 

In that day, the mission of the Philipino teachers are maiking the lesson plan that is focused on BAGON Rules, and implementing the demo lesson that rely on their 'BAGONG' lesson plan.

As we know, the program that is up to Day2 was same as Iloilo SAMURAI 6 work shop.
However, Day 3 was the unexperience program.
SAMURAIs were getting have sweat on thier hands. 

Today's line up is coming the below.

1) The demo lesson by JOCV. (We spread out the 4 groups. Ele-Science, Ele-Math, Sec-Science and Sec-Math .)

2) Creationg the 'BAGON' lesson plan by the local teachers

3) The demo lesson & feed beck by the local teachers

4) 'Home sweet home' emotinal closing ceremony

In that day, the domo lesson by Japanese greeted in the shinny morning that was advanced 'THE NEW WORLD'.  
SAMURAIs were really motivated!!

Thereafter, the Philipino teachers were trying to create the 'BAGONG' lesson plan.
All of them ventured with highly motivation.

The spectacle showcase was coming!
In shot lunch time, that courageous lady extended her feet to the market where is far from there using bus for finding out the treasure that entitled 'GOOD VISUAL AID' .

In that venue, the roll of students were informed that the movie stars can make fabulous mistakes.   

After honorble shooting, the feed back time was come.
In that class, they adopted posting system.

We could spectate the wonderful sceen what the opinion that treated BAGONG Rules shot out from honorable Philipino teachers,
The Philipino teachers ventured zealously beyond our expectation, that's why our group work became massive.
At the last, the most spectacle choir were coming!
We were really impressed due to unite our spilits!!
Bais SAMURAI's curtain fell like this. 

To be honest, we have some agendas, but we ensured that the program that is handled by Philipino is so fruitfull.
Daguhan salamat sa mga maestro sa Bais!!!!!  

And now, Bais SAMURAI moves on Day 4.......

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